Our Approach
Take your time sit down
and let the
Magic Happen
Integrating Awareness into Our Lives
To be Aware is to recognize that we are in presence of our self. In that presence we have the biggest lucidity , power and Attention , that is Love , which is Beauty.
So to be aware means to be in the most highest state of spontaneous and attentive presence , that emanates beauty and peace to the people around us.
This state provides such a high sense of attention , that : stress , anger, neurosis, rush and low level discussions , will suddenly fall apart!
Because there is no space for low vibes in high states , so your High presence in that moment will definitily restore a Good quality of the space , conversations and shared time with people of any kind of environment.
To be Aware is to be mature because it is everybody's responsibility.
"Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world."
Sri Ramana Maharshi